Firstly, I’d like to say with all the honesty that this post has nothing to do with Anette fans vs Tarja fans(Because actually I’m a real fan of them both)…
Face the facts, Tarja was not that happy with Nightwish anymore(Or the midia made me think so) and Nightwish needed a new singer, and why keep the same style when you can renew and innovate it? And that’s the Anette’s role in Nightwish. Her voice sounds so sweet and soften that already boring classic style when mixed with choir and orchestra as well, classic voices can’t do it anymore and a ‘pop’ singer can mix the light voice into the heavy symphonic melodies in a way that a ‘soprano’ would never do… Not that it’s better or worse, it’s just different and may sound better or worse, it depends on your preferences.
Another fact we can’t conceal is that Tarja is quite happy in her solo career and Nightwish is completely happy with their new singer… I dare to say that they’re happier than ever, so why can’t we be happy and get along with them?
Music is just music, it’s not a matter of technique or effort to learn only, it’s a matter of feeling and once you feel numb hearing a song, don’t matter if it’s pop or classical, or they both mixed, it got through you and you have to deal that you just liked it, with nothing to do with ‘whose technique is better’.
I have a dream(And in it I’m no freak flying, haha) and it’s about seeing Anette and Tarja being a duet even if just for a only concert, it’d be so nice to hear that symphonic voice that came from the god’s choir beside that angelic voice in a way as pop as an mermaid can make you feel numb, it’d would be the second greatest duet I could see in my life(The first is – obviously – Andre Matos and Edu Falaschi [Formed Angra’s singer and current Angra’s singer], in this issue happens a matter close to the Nightwish’s one, Andre has a technical great voice and Edu a simple voice that sounds sweet)….
So I hope you all try to understand that music is not a matter of technique, and maybe when some member depart from(To found a new one) a band and it keep going on you have two great band, not only one anymore.
Anette, I hope your cat get better, we’re here wishing the best for you all.
Lots of love.

2 comentários:
Mas que besteira é essa de postar em inglês?!?!?!?!?!
Não entendi patavinas, estou postando para deixar registrada a minha indignação!!!!
Não entendo nada de inglês!!!
Ah: tomaram 4 ontem, que bonito!!!! XD
Tambem gosto de ambas,mas ainda prefiro a Tarja,hehe
Parabens pelo blog!
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